As Devoplus Teknoloji Çözümleri Ltd. Şti. ("Devoplus"), we strive to protect the privacy of our members who use our website in order to ensure that our users benefit from our services safely and completely. Accordingly, this Devoplus Privacy Policy ("Policy") has been prepared in order to process the personal data of our members in full compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("Law") and to inform our users in this context. cookie policy is an integral part of this Policy.
The purpose of this Policy is to determine the terms and conditions regarding the use of personal data shared with Devoplus by Platform members/visitors/users (collectively referred to as the "Data Owner") during the operation of the website, web portal, Devoplus Portal and Devoplus İGYS mobile application (collectively referred to as the "Platform") operated by Devoplus Teknoloji Çözümleri Ltd. Şti. ("Devoplus") or generated by Devoplus during the use of the Platform by the Data Owner.
1.1. Which Data is Processed? The following lists the data processed by Devoplus and considered as personal data in accordance with the Law. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the term "personal data" shall include the information below within the scope of the terms and conditions provided under this Policy.
Pursuant to Articles 3 and 7 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, data that are irreversibly anonymized will not be considered as personal data in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned law and processing activities related to this data will be carried out without being bound by the provisions of this Policy. 1.2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data Devoplus may use the personal data provided by the Data Owner for the purposes of creating a membership registration and account and keeping the relevant records, enabling the Data Owner to benefit from the services provided through the Platform, detecting system errors and monitoring performance and improving the functioning of the Platform, providing maintenance and support services and backup services, including the purposes of providing maintenance and support services and backup services, carrying out the necessary work by the business units and carrying out the relevant business processes in order to benefit the relevant persons from the products and services offered by Devoplus and to ensure that these products and services are provided to the relevant persons, planning and execution of the activities necessary for the recommendation and promotion of the relevant persons by customizing them according to their usage habits and needs, carrying out the necessary work by the relevant business units for the realization of the commercial activities carried out by Devoplus and the execution of the related business processes, ensuring the legal, technical and commercial-business security of Devoplus and the persons with whom it has a business relationship, and planning and execution of Devoplus' commercial and/or business strategies. Devoplus İGYS mobile application collects and processes background location data in order to detect and prevent manipulative movements in the Personnel Attendance Control System. 1.3. Personal Data to be Processed in Accordance with the Explicit Consent of Data Subjects and Purposes of Processing Within the scope of the explicit consent of the Data Owner, Devoplus may process data and share such data with the parties mentioned below in order to increase the user experience by tracking the movements of the Data Owners on the Platform, to create statistics, profiling, direct marketing and remarketing, to create and transmit promotional suggestions specific to the Data Owner and to use the data obtained in this context in all kinds of advertising and material content. 1.4. Transfer of Personal Data Devoplus may transfer the personal data of the Data Owner and the new data obtained by using such personal data to third parties whose services Devoplus utilizes in order to achieve the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, limited to the purpose of providing such services. Devoplus may share with third parties such as outsourcing service providers, hosting service providers (hosting services), law offices, research companies, call centers, including those who send SMS to improve the Data Owner experience (including improvement and personalization), to ensure the security of the Data Owner, to detect fraudulent or unauthorized use, to investigate operational evaluation, to eliminate errors related to Platform services and to achieve any of the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Personal data may be shared with Devoplus Teknoloji Çözümleri Ltd. Şti. company officials, shareholders, business partners, suppliers, legally authorized public institutions and organizations and legally authorized private institutions within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law, and may be transferred abroad within the framework of the procedures specified in Article 9 of the Law and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Board limited to these purposes. 1.5. Method and Legal Grounds for Collection of Personal Data Personal data is collected through the Platform and electronically. Personal data collected for the above-mentioned legal reasons may be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of Law No. 6698 and this Privacy Policy. 1.6. Rights of the Personal Data Owner Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, visitors have the right to request, learn and know the following about themselves by applying to Devoplus:
Requests for the exercise of such rights may be submitted by the personal data subjects through the application form. Devoplus will finalize such requests as soon as possible. Devoplus reserves the right to charge a fee over the fee tariff (if any) determined by the Personal Data Protection Board regarding the requests. |
As Devoplus Teknoloji Çözümleri Ltd. Şti. ("Devoplus"), we strive to protect the privacy of the people who use our website in order to ensure that our users benefit from our services safely and completely.
Like most websites, ("Site") and the mobile application (collectively referred to as the "Platform") use Cookies to display personal content and advertisements to visitors, to perform analytical activities within the site and to track visitor usage habits.
This Cookie Policy is an integral part of Privacy Policy.
Devoplus has prepared this Cookie Policy ("Policy") to explain which Cookies are used on the Website and how users can manage their preferences in this regard. For more detailed information on the processing of your personal data by Devoplus, we recommend that you review the Privacy Policy.
2.1. What is a Cookie? Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device or network server through browsers by websites you visit. Cookies are created by servers associated with the website you visit. This way, the server can recognize when the visitor visits the same site. Cookies do not contain personal data about visitors such as name, gender or address. For more detailed information about cookies, please visit and 2.2. Which Cookies are Used? Cookies can be categorized in terms of their owners, lifetime and intended use:
2.3. Why Cookies are Used? On the Platform, Cookies are used for the following purposes:
2.4. How Can You Manage Your Cookie Preferences? Devoplus attaches great importance to the ability of users to exercise their preferences over their personal data. However, it is not possible to manage preferences regarding some Cookies that are mandatory for the operation of the Website. We would also like to remind you that if some Cookies are turned off, various functions of the Website may not work. Information on how the preferences regarding the Cookies used on the Platform can be managed is as follows:
With its Privacy Policy ("Policy"), Devoplus aims to provide its users with a detailed explanation about the scope and purposes of the use of Cookies and to inform its users about their Cookie preferences. In this respect, it is deemed to have consented to the use of Cookies if the Cookie information warning on the Platform is closed and the Site is continued to be used. Users always reserve the right to change their Cookie preferences.
Devoplus may change the provisions of the Policy at any time. The updated Policy shall become effective on the date of its publication on the Platform.